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Автор: low income auto insurance dmv Aurora IL, <800qn70der@gmail.com>
cRd37i7XT, 2X7ZUehP, 11 января 2019 года в 23:50:32

В ответ на : casino slots kczyn от slursuarype в 02 января 2019 года в 01:05:05:

Hi,Fantastic. It’s nice to see your work that big and out into the world. Congratulations.Can you give me a heads up on your process? Did you have your negatives drum scanned? Also if you don’t mind, who did you printing and framing?I ask because I am working on having some 4×5 work scanned and printed as well. I am putting together the resources to do so and doing as much research as possible.Thanks and keep moving forward – keep LF photography alive!-Sherman


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