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Автор: free car insurance quotes El Paso TX, <02x2u4d1@yahoo.com>
zdkXik6wi, 87FALNwTLOqY, 12 января 2019 года в 05:12:13

В ответ на : aSQRGzCDeZjuZXKXU от http://billigemedisiner.life/ в 09 января 2019 года в 03:34:29:

Certainly, to regard the KJV simply as (fictional) literature is to do it (and Christianity) a disservice. But if Gove's proposal did succeed in getting people to see it a) as beautiful and b) as (historically) culturally important, that might be a good thing. Fundamentally, this is a debate about how God becomes manifest in the world. If, as traditionally thought, that is in part through beauty, discovering that the KJV is beautiful as well as a major historical contribution to Anglophone culture needn't be a bad thing.


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