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Автор: cheap car insurance Jersey City NJ, <e5uwvpyaz@gmail.com>
tTyXJEDzDITX, 0QXohwfmdcK, 12 января 2019 года в 06:48:21

В ответ на : natural alternative to viagra mhsnfcbtemiatuscsb от oolhifub в 09 января 2019 года в 17:13:05:

By the way, don't get too hung up on the "debauchery" of the Roman Empire as a reason for it's decline & fall - it was more the new ideology of Christianity that undermined the values that made Rome a great power. An excellent source is, ''A History of Private Life, from Pagan Rome to Byzantium." by Philippe Aries & George Dubry, General Editors, Paul Veyne, Editor.Terry


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