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Автор: full coverage auto insurance Wyandotte MI, <nnr1fc7jp@gmail.com>
TEdB8AXBgd, RDSnS2K9PK, 12 января 2019 года в 07:29:27

В ответ на : CNuQLaTGbFzLBiPRNZDq от http://pastillasenlinea.live/ в 02 января 2019 года в 02:35:59:

· Hello lovely, how exciting this is for you. I’ve kept the day job, although I always say to people that it is my other life and my proper job is as writer. Making a buck from it is still something I am struggling with. I wonder whether I will ever take the plunge myself to do it 24/7 and write those three other novels I have in draft and those countless poems from my notebooks. But you have the right time and the right skills to go for it now. Massive hugs to you. xx


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