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Автор: cheap auto insurance Maple Grove MN, <e1y9paiik@hotmail.com>
0Cw7TOpNjw, AxJzx7Fi, 12 января 2019 года в 19:49:42

В ответ на : RoureUnrerm hwomf от RoureUnrerm в 12 января 2019 года в 07:19:37:

blog wrote:In that same spirit, I would ask you to re-evaluate the allusions you appeared to make early in the letter to government-run healthcare.Thanks for the comment. Actually, I'm close to centrist (see "Political Map of Pharmaceutical Bloggers" ) and I make no systemic suggestions for a healthcare model. I only make suggestions for how healthcare IT can be made a productive part of whatever model is selected, by powers much above my pay grade.I can only try to keep a tidy house in my own neighborhood, which is HIT!


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