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Автор: full coverage car insurance Dearborn MI, <bo1ll2tos2@mail.com>
y0F5ess463T0, NkSzDud9vTq, 13 января 2019 года в 06:07:13

В ответ на : 888 casino online wbpsp от Azkjgtique в 04 января 2019 года в 22:22:29:

Gavriel -I've been thinking of a particularly offensive bit of satire exactly along those lines for several weeks. Haven't pushed "publish" yet, as there is at least some shred of decency left in me that occasionally rises up to say "are you sure you really want to say that?" But you've inspired me to dust it off. I'll hat tip you (but absolve you of responsibility!), should I get the courage.


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