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Автор: cheap car insurance Mesquite TX, <r5uuu4112h5@gmail.com>
BbIA0Sjs, KMqKep5hX8, 13 января 2019 года в 09:43:32

В ответ на : dadtqdkn от JimVigue в 09 января 2019 года в 02:39:48:

Wow, Vix, you always rock a short little frock, whether it's intended as day wear or not!!Oh a bit of over-indulgence once in a while is allowed, given your extreme thriftiness the rest of the time. And given the fabulousness of the boots in question!You look beautiful, Krista's ring is gorgeous, and that choker is amazing.And your little lost pig who is lost no more? Adorable! Now where's that bloody ring? xxxxxxx


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