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Автор: us agency car insurance Kings Mountain NC, <18gzdxvdeoq@mail.com>
pvdx07QDhsJ, SpvjF0zGSC, 13 января 2019 года в 12:49:35

В ответ на : tritteIngelve cawog от tritteIngelve в 12 января 2019 года в 18:08:54:

Mallorca is my favourite place ever, Auntie Debbie, by a mile. I don’t think Thomas and I went to Soller in 2005 (children: you pronounce it Soh-yeah), but it is a very beautiful village. You can see the famous mountain train from Palma in the picture (very rickety and rattly with original 1900s wooden carriages and red leather seats!)


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