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Автор: cheap auto insurance quotes Orono ME, <ang5sex1k@outlook.com>
x7oXf9jTF, SKxuAAfAAAwO, 13 января 2019 года в 18:11:36

В ответ на : natural alternative to viagra mhsnfcbtemiatuscsb от oolhifub в 09 января 2019 года в 17:13:05:

Stu, I went to AC on 7-18 on a Greyhound bus with a bunch of people. A sightseeing and music trip – not for gambling.But the deal was you pay $35 for the bus ticket, and then, when you get off the bus, the bus greeter gives you a $25 coupon you can use to gamble at Caeser’s.I didn’t know I had to bring state-issued ID, so I got a coupon that’s good for “next time.” Do you want it? I don’t plan on going back to AC anytime soon, and the coupon expires 10/31.If you do, have Grim send me your snail mail address, and I’ll send it to you.


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