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Автор: cheap car insurance Oswego IL, <2sajv992zj4@hotmail.com>
s5jsNlDA, PynlXbUJMnK, 13 января 2019 года в 18:52:00

В ответ на : best place to gamble in vegas qehor от slursuarype в 09 января 2019 года в 09:52:28:

NO FRICKIN WAY. . Our Pasta, who art in the Pot,. Flying Spaghetti Monster be thy Name.. Thy dinner?s come, when. Thy will be done,. On stove as it is in the oven.. Give us this day our garlic bread,. And give us our bottle?s o?rum,. As we give to those who dine with us.. And feed us into oblivion,. And deliver us from hunger.. For thine is the tastiest,. and the spiciest,. and the best,. for ever and ever.. . RAmen


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