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Автор: autoversicherung, <ywrny7rrs@gmail.com>
onwNYzO7Nxoz, apuYitaZPjn, 14 января 2019 года в 00:12:19

В ответ на : Gymnamy от lennak в 12 января 2019 года в 15:37:07:

The picture in the article is of New York City. It should be noted that the sewers and New York City are very inhospitable. For instance, they are extremely hot. So much so, that liquid nitrogen is injected into the sewers so that's the workers can actually do their work.New York City also does not have a separate storm water system from its sewer system, which means that the sewer system is overloaded during storms. As was noted by another commenter,the vast subway system would strike me as a better alternative to the sewer system.


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