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Автор: cheap car insurance Pleasanton CA, <rgmhjf41j@outlook.com>
qzdeo5J8, dE9BBpVzFD, 14 января 2019 года в 04:38:07

В ответ на : walmart price sildenafil citrate 20 mg nap от RandyUteli в 13 января 2019 года в 23:38:16:

stone, Buffet and Gates have a private bank or some similar structure taking care of their wealth, etc. It is a huge but rather invisible industry doing this task for super and just wealthy. Give-away of assets is an incredibly simple thing – one call to Buffet’s manager in his bank where he will have to name the beneficiary and the amount. All this mass-media nonsense is, as was mentioned above, only to get Nobel prize which none of them clearly deserves.


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