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Автор: auto insurance quotes Corpus Christi TX, <frx33xnhymh@outlook.com>
hSZxRCNS, ueexhMWI1, 14 января 2019 года в 08:40:51

В ответ на : tritteIngelve cawog от tritteIngelve в 12 января 2019 года в 18:08:54:

That’s funny…I’ve been a big Jimmie Spheeris fan most of my life (I first saw him in concert when I was 6 or 7). I was able to see him a few times before his untimely death in the 1980′s. The first time I saw Jimmie Spheeris I convinced my mother to take me to Clint’s Comics in Kansas City before the concert. I’ve still got the Richard Corben prints that I bought that day. Maybe Michael hit the nail on the head, with the right support it might not matter the personality, but it might be hard to get that kind of support if you’re quite nasty.


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