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Автор: http://autokreditonline.top/, <zh4y58ct4ze@mail.com>
YXyteM37G, hAatQKOvGOkF, 14 января 2019 года в 18:52:10

В ответ на : dadtqdkn от JimVigue в 09 января 2019 года в 02:39:48:

I too tend too read and read untill I’ve finished my books, but looking back I sometimes find I can’t remember much of the book after a few years (which is great because I can reread them). It makes me wonder whether you’ll enjoy a book more if you take the time to read it. Well spread it out a bit rather than read it all at once… Like do you devour a cake or eat small bites (devour! in my case) Any thoughts?


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