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8BSIKcOikd, Jh46xxvb, 14 января 2019 года в 20:51:11

В ответ на : zgftgubs от NickVigue в 09 января 2019 года в 04:11:09:

Nov12Amanda To forgive and move on from what Chris Brown did to her does a massive disservice to every single woman, child, person who has suffered domestic abuse. What sort of message does this sense of ‘moving on’ send? I find it sickening, a sign of our shallow, cheap, celeb-driven times. He beats women. Viciously. His remorse is false, his hubris off the charts. If it were your sister? Daughter? Mother? Friend? Well done to the moral vigilantes of Stockholm. And shame on anyone – but in particular women – who still support CB and his music.


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