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Автор: free auto insurance quotes Longview WA, <tm8hm1h6j@hotmail.com>
2slZBBzUMr, OgwMxNscSbp, 14 января 2019 года в 23:47:27

В ответ на : be 40 mg is online от Gordianvex в 10 января 2019 года в 02:34:22:

You can shout-down free speech as long as it's at a Tea Party rally. You can racially berate black people, if they're conservative. You can propagandize to your heart's content, as long as it's Lefty "truth" you're propagandizing.It's the same-old double standard of the left, as you note.After all, who's going to call them on it - the Press?


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