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Автор: average car insurance rates in Manchester NH, <ei4g3ezxdm@hotmail.com>
u8EkEjxbt9, 2GLgeHUcXsK, 15 января 2019 года в 02:44:50

В ответ на : walmart price sildenafil citrate 20 mg nap от RandyUteli в 13 января 2019 года в 23:38:16:

My hometown is Marshall, Missouri. It is special for lots of reasons, but one that sticks out is that is the home of the legendary Jim, the Wonder Dog. Jim lived during the 1930′s. He was an excellent hunting dog, but do much more than that. When asked to go to a certain type of tree – oak, hickory, etc. – he would go to the correct type. He could do the same with car models, streets and people. He took commands in several differnt languages. He predicted 7 Kentucky Derby winners. There is a park in Marshall dedicated in his memory. He is also the only animal in the people cemetary and has many visitors.


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