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Автор: look auto insurance Saint Louis MO, <wdav1dzc@gmail.com>
wc2oDvN8xmJ, xpKEoJWPbT, 15 января 2019 года в 02:45:37

В ответ на : be 40 mg is online от Gordianvex в 10 января 2019 года в 02:34:22:

This happens round here but for ANYTHING that involves me going anywhere or doing anything. I can tell him 3-4 times per event, even on the morning itself, and he will still say, “what time are you going to the dentist”, “what time’s your flight?”, “what time are you going to the gym?”. Grrrrrrrrr. Oh, the gym timetable is on the fridge and I do the same classes eeeevvverrry week. My husband ANNOYS me.


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