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Автор: free car insurance quotes Stroudsburg PA, <r8708hzv@gmail.com>
hIthZ4qZVAvu, fNBxPHDIQpDU, 15 января 2019 года в 07:26:16

В ответ на : buy cheap viagra sublingual от Stanislavavex в 09 января 2019 года в 02:03:43:

"Satan is only concerned with the destruction of true christianity." So Satan isn't actively opposed to any others? Only Christians are god-fearing? Only Christians seek the divine? Please. Perhaps it would be wise to engage ones mind before inserting your foot firmly in your mouth? Believers in Christianity can assert that Christianity's destruction is Satan's primary concern but surely Satan is an equal opportunity adversary. He's opposed to anyone who worships the divine.


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