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Автор: cialis billig einkaufen, <875bd3a46@yahoo.com>
BEWxLKkK, YgIXCCNW, 04 января 2019 года в 07:50:24

В ответ на : bZAKVmAowRJGafISnMne от cialis si funciona в 31 декабря 2018 года в 14:49:03:

Smart non violent action leverages the world opinion that supports the Palestinians. Israel only has the US. Ultimately the only ones who will stand by Israel are the Jews. Nobody else cares that much especially if Israel goes fascist. The action neutralises hasbara. It exposes the vacuum of leadership in Israel. It shows the Likud to be run by the type of people who run news international. It is the thing the IDF is most afraid of.


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