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Автор: cialis piller shop, <k4lqcbwyd@hotmail.com>
M0f7bNcex1, 0RqlKHUlZTQl, 04 января 2019 года в 08:52:25

В ответ на : yRPIfqKBhjN от auto insurance quotes Holly Springs NC в 22 декабря 2018 года в 11:15:23:

I run another test this morning of the Garmin 210 vs the Magellan Switch Up. Unfortunately, the Switch Up failed miserably! It reported distance that was 5.31% greater than the 210. While I still haven’t done a measured mile test on either device, the satellite map shows the track of the 210 to be almost exactly the route that I ran, while the Switch Up’s track rambles hither and yon, somewhere around the actual track. To add insult to injury, Magellan tech support has not responded to any of my inquiries about the issue. Testing will continue, but as it stands right now, I can’t trust the Switch up for racing or training.


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