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Автор: viagra vendita in svizzera, <4pfghw5o@mail.com>
jKpFaPMP, lWXe1oOzYCjl, 04 января 2019 года в 13:31:44

В ответ на : order viagra jelly online uk от Stanislavavex в 30 декабря 2018 года в 07:16:01:

I'll follow you on that, Argiedude. Dakar anyhow has a history of being a European colonial outpost, first Portuguese and the French. It can well have an odd founder effect from some promiscuous slave trader or missionary (and all were) and it would have caused this kind of micro founder effect. Maybe the same type of reason as for the odd K(xR,T) of Cape Verde. So it may well be limited to the Dakar area.


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