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Автор: cialis pillen image, <j2n83wp17aq@yahoo.com> IWKnqRfl3P6, kiW8CkWQWc, 04 января 2019 года в 14:19:12 В ответ на : buy generic viagra by TaushUses от AlmopsylopUses в 02 января 2019 года в 05:37:36: I would like to see the following execs leave.Steve Sinofsky and his coterie- the George W. Bush of Microsoft. He is clearly driving the company to a ditch.Lisa Brummel - we need trimming of HR. When we have 1500 FTEs in HR, we know it is bloated. Your basketball team did well this year, did you have a HR team there too?Partners/principals in search/adcenter - we know there is a lot of fat in that groupOffice PMs - what vision are you adding, time to send home the partners/principals. |