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Автор: viagra madrid equipo, <1oqjp9dk@outlook.com>
TKgkTx1UBsd6, bgT1LJQP8Y, 04 января 2019 года в 14:27:59

В ответ на : dnffkghfgUnuchkuy от bdhjUnuch в 29 декабря 2018 года в 23:28:36:

Arabia is a cul-de-sac genetically. It received human movements but contributed nothing much to any other populations save a little in North Africa and possibly in Somalia/Ethiopia. All haplogroups found in Arabia e.g Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain etc are derivative of Northern Middle East haplogroups.Right. At least in reagrds to Y-DNA (and most mtDNA probably - but not all).


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