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Автор: http://baufinanzierung.pw/baufinanzierungsrechner.html, <ffkawvfydz@gmail.com>
TIrRU6SMMT, 2EyoHo0g, 04 января 2019 года в 20:35:12

В ответ на : dnffkghfgGulkylit от bdhjGulky в 29 декабря 2018 года в 11:54:27:

. “We are going to find a situation we accept. If it involves a municipality, we’re talking to them if there is a tax. We’re looking for the right economic solution.”“If it’s not a tax from them [the legislatures] then they’re not in the picture,” Selig said. “We’re talking to everybody, including the lawmakers. And they’ve been very helpful, by the way.” Who does he think he is? Baseball has some say in whether or not a team can move from the Cactus to Grapefruit leagues but he’s right out there telling state and municipal governments how they may generate funding to build a facility.He needs a hobby.


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