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Автор: http://pastillasenlinea.live/, <bh6hqb6ai3h@hotmail.com>
X9fue5GoI2mg, QSk7TrFhgUY, 04 января 2019 года в 21:09:46

В ответ на : does viagra work zndabdjgorneol от defbethy в 29 декабря 2018 года в 09:10:06:

Re,“ONLY in real estate do I see WOMEN basically advertise their LONG BLOND HAIR & BOOBS! ”For the female agents in Hoboken: place the realty signs with pictures of your face higher off the ground at the properties you are listing. All it takes is one dog to whiz on your face picture and then they all let loose on it. I am beginning to think some of you have a fetish.Ps. I wouldn’t handle those signs with your bare hands afterwards.


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