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Сервер форумов >> Форум Meilofon >> [Ответить] [Ответы]

Автор: http://halpojatabletteja.life/, <ro81nhusfm@mail.com>
EB91Ct2Sr, mY20fOZ47hik, 05 января 2019 года в 08:54:36

В ответ на : mfhghchm от IvyVigue в 29 декабря 2018 года в 10:43:57:

he knows a ton of young Americans who would love to see a rebellion here in the USA; they are extremely discontented with our government and current way of life. Their disappointment with Obama is severe. They feel a great affinity with young Egypt. Ironically, as I type this there’s a guy on MSNBC now saying young Americans wouldn’t understand young Egyptians because here in the USA “they can be anything they want to be.”


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