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Автор: Prisen for cialis 20 mg, <eol44qi9@hotmail.com>
HcnBjwyNL5P, Swju1V0Yy6fT, 05 января 2019 года в 12:53:06

В ответ на : does viagra work zndabdjgorneol от defbethy в 29 декабря 2018 года в 09:10:06:

Aw, no worries. No one wants to pick on people for being poor or disabled. I’m thinking some of these people are just extremely messy.One person pointed out to me that some of these pics are of hikikikomori or“shut-in” people in Japan. Folks, usually young men, who completely withdraw from the world and live in isolation and squalor.It must be awful to get to a point where living like this seems better than facing the real world.


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