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Автор: es necesaria receta para comprar cialis tipo, <7xrfabslsws@mail.com>
7irX6FBW, eYqIch2U, 05 января 2019 года в 19:49:08

В ответ на : viagra feminino em farmacia nap от RaymondGorne в 29 декабря 2018 года в 17:10:01:

anyone who voted for Kerry would go to hell. I’m not making that up. They had a little (actually tiny) book shop where you could buy Bibles and such. They devoted a whole section to a book written by George W. Bush.My sin was being curious. I asked a lot of questions about philosophy and politics. They didn’t exactly tell me to leave and never come back, but they made it clear I was unwelcome. Perhaps your church would’ve treated me differently…


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