[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]


Сервер форумов >> Форум Meilofon >> [Ответить] [Ответы]

Автор: Cialis verkossa Costco, <o1ox7uytg@hotmail.com>
EnAuFX2d13, 7bWkQHDsXu, 06 января 2019 года в 11:58:13

В ответ на : wpRNSjrbWfdhZxSxxNd от cialis online apteekki arvostelua 2013 в 01 января 2019 года в 05:36:01:

In the expression for the branching fraction relative to the SM it looks like the contributions from ML and MR come in with opposite sign. Would that imply that the contributions could cancel? So how does 30Gev limit arise?And apologies in advance if this is a dumb question.


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