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Автор: acheter du cialis sur internet toulouse, <pwxv1uci@outlook.com>
vgnBNlmvBEj9, hy4pj4Sj, 06 января 2019 года в 12:59:53

В ответ на : ubgIuDynVMLhYpdCHG от cialis generico online contrassegno в 29 декабря 2018 года в 22:34:33:

This attack was not about the film. That is what you are missing. That inflamed the mob (for sure) and did not help. But the attack was planned months in advance, involved fighters coordinated and was intended to kill personnel. It was driven over drone attacks of al Qaeda and to mark 9/11. I support free speech. The film is a piece of crap (and if this guy is a Copt, it is Copts in Egypt who will pay a heavy price for this). But this film did not kill our Ambassador and personnel. It was Zawahiri and al Qaeda who did that.


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