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Автор: Verkkoapteekit Suomi Cialis, <9f4xzpdxxh@hotmail.com>
NlbwPcqwE4gm, JG7SmhDjdCcL, 10 января 2019 года в 03:29:23

В ответ на : best place to gamble in vegas qehor от slursuarype в 09 января 2019 года в 09:52:28:

Variants of French fries include thick-cut fries, steak fries, shoestring fries, jojos, crinkle fries, curly fries, hand-cut fries and tornado fries. Fries cut thickly with the skin left on are called potato wedges , and fries without the skin are called steak fries, essentially the American equivalent of the British chip.


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