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Автор: generic cialis true, <qebxotpue@yahoo.com>
R6e8gO6KdIF, T6EGLKkW, 08 января 2019 года в 04:05:14

В ответ на : Salarysupport.com helps with payday loan offers and info от tex в 29 декабря 2018 года в 09:36:27:

Don’t forget by visiting a ward, you’re helping boost their average attendance, and ward budget allocation. I think the ward budgets are allocated on a quarterly basis. Does anyone know the dollars per head count that a ward gets? I seem to remember it’s something like $10 (per quarter) times average sacrament mtg attendance. Given 12 sacrament meetings per quarter. (52 per year minus 2 general conferences minus 2 stake conferences) that’s about 83 cents per meeting for each person in attendance.Is that right?


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