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Автор: billig cialis 5mg, <d9zwk9rltr@yahoo.com>
xEPxDROyqFGE, kmnW92IM, 08 января 2019 года в 06:51:42

В ответ на : cheap generic viagra by EndugMula от FapedooppyMula в 31 декабря 2018 года в 18:31:35:

That is the M2012 SQV. Sequestration Vehicle. Slabs of boiler plate welded to a gamma goat frame, with a 65hp alternative fuel engine. Capable of eleven miles an hour, and stopping .22 shorts. Armed with a bolt-action hunting rifle with a 5-round magazine and no pistol grip. It will eventually replace the M-1 Abrams, the M-2 Bradley, and the USMC LAV-25. Because this isn't battleship.How was that for a guess?Oh, and it is made by a company that was a big Obama campaign contributor which received a big bailout but has now been sold to China.


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