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Сервер форумов >> Форум Meilofon >> [Ответить] [Ответы]

Автор: http://kfzversicherungvergleichtech.pw/kfz-versicherung-vergleichen.html, <6toz3b7tvr@mail.com>
ypB7S1yCd, jqHNPKnm, 09 января 2019 года в 00:07:13

В ответ на : CNuQLaTGbFzLBiPRNZDq от http://pastillasenlinea.live/ в 02 января 2019 года в 02:35:59:

... the FHA reported that its "moving 12-month total of vehicle miles traveled" increased by 5 billion miles in May, which was the largest monthly improvement in that measure of traffic volume since August 2007. Correct, and using the exact same data series, here are the last 6 months of distances traveled, including the annual change rate.2687 -9.8%2691 -9.5%2694 -9.2%2697 -9.1%2696 -9.0%2701 -8.6% (+5 billion miles)Every single month was substantially down from the previous year, and the trend is obvious.


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