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Автор: cialis online Norge apotek, <d5bklj2e@yahoo.com>
3UM6h6y39, FFKjTva6p, 09 января 2019 года в 00:59:46

В ответ на : CNuQLaTGbFzLBiPRNZDq от http://pastillasenlinea.live/ в 02 января 2019 года в 02:35:59:

Please don’t write about FMGs. They have stolen countless spots from more qualified US grads and the problem is only getting worse. Just this year a record number of US grads did not match in any program and were unable to find spots in the scramble. Something must be done about this disgusting process. Maybe a rematch? Maybe allowing US grads 72 hours to scramble before the FMGs and DOs run amok through our residencies. Something must be done. Protect our schools and our students futures.


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