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Автор: comprar cialis seguro social, <1trdw31kgfq@mail.com>
KygAQ5x7, y76VH1QtvU8A, 10 января 2019 года в 08:47:45

В ответ на : natural alternative to viagra mhsnfcbtemiatuscsb от oolhifub в 09 января 2019 года в 17:13:05:

We've been around a long time, Cheryl. The anti-institutional breed of young Jews has joyfully networked, prayed, sang and kept a living community for years while insitutional Judaism cried about the lack of young people involved in their synagogues — synagogues which did not reflect or legitimize our values. Don't look at this as the beginning of a new movement of Judaism — view this as our coming-out party.


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