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Автор: average car insurance rates in West Des Moines IA, <ezvjwinl54@yahoo.com>
Ks9n8syJ, 8oyesK7qs7Xu, 10 января 2019 года в 15:22:23

В ответ на : sildenafil viagra znddjBeigevd от nrdDOPES в 10 января 2019 года в 13:18:29:

Years ago I played cards with some Canadians on the Internet. I mentioned a story I’d heard, that the French French privately didn’t want Quebec to become independent because that would so weaken Canada as a country that some of the provinces might elect to join the US as states. The Canadians were very upset and scornful of that rumour, but it made a certain amount of sense to me.  Miles_Teg


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