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Автор: car insurance in Cathedral City CA, <b9n72r247ap@outlook.com> T9LWePF05, AxIhAtmy, 10 января 2019 года в 16:52:53 В ответ на : evfeaflp от JimVek в 01 января 2019 года в 05:24:56: Hey this may be slightly off topic (and by that I mean waaaaaaaaay off topic) but I've noticed the newly rendered google logo for Halloween. It looks pretty cool, but a lot of the detail gets lost due to its size. Could you guys, by any chance, blow it up? I know a lot of people who would like to get a better look at it (plus I think the artist would be stoked that their work is huge for the world to see; ARTISTS ASSEMBLE!).Thanks guy(s) |