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Автор: affordable car insurance Arlington Heights IL, <3ubhd9h9ak@mail.com>
s7R5L2tMmM, L4M8uLrp8VC, 10 января 2019 года в 17:42:06

В ответ на : does generic viagra work nsmxcKigonurolsw от nsfstame в 09 января 2019 года в 04:03:34:

"... there are some right-wingers who are rubbing their hands together with glee reading about this guy, and will find some way to tie it to Obama...".I'll bet you $100.00 that some of the self-appointed race pimps like Travis Smiley have already line up a few guest sponts on the white TV shows to do just that - tie it to President Obama.


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