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Автор: car insurance Williamstown NJ, <p64s1ipajq5@yahoo.com>
cA9zbfy54aU, sZ8GUXMiHm, 11 января 2019 года в 00:40:46

В ответ на : OWeuRkcqcmm от apotek viagra apotek в 09 января 2019 года в 09:06:14:

Me, I'll actively campaign for the first to suggest that the Federal .gov should not have "non-essential" personnel, and that any Fed activity that closes it's doors due to non-passage of a budget should, at a minimum, be contracted out, handed over to the local state .gov, or sold off outright. Sounds like a plan to me, can I get an amen? In all seriousness, this would have to be something done by the states. There is no way the Feds would give up all that gravy ($$$+Power) to just let the states run away with it.


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