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Автор: affordable car insurance Marysville WA, <5rgcn2qi54k@hotmail.com>
0XaWCxhNvvEA, nvlACIQP5GHB, 11 января 2019 года в 06:51:55

В ответ на : yswgrajd от home loan center в 09 января 2019 года в 06:00:10:

I have to agree with Kevin here. It's hard for me (as a computer scientist who counts on NSF dollars!) to make a case for why 99.9% of *any* CS research (not just theory) should be funded at the expense of, say, feeding the homeless (or, if you are Republican, military spending). How many important innovations in computer science *with practical impact to the average citizen* were driven by academic research? I am actually hoping someone will suggest some good examples.


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