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Автор: cheap non owners insurance San Marcos CA, <1577fx3bbv@hotmail.com>
AbNSmuKz, XZbGJoObJfTc, 11 января 2019 года в 07:24:23

В ответ на : yswgrajd от home loan center в 09 января 2019 года в 06:00:10:

Ever since I saw that russian kid doing all that crazy shit I thought man thatkid is like me, I bet I could do that. It inspired me, I even told my mom that, ahh I should have taken gymnastics like she wanted me to when I was younger. Oh well. But anyway I took a run outside after thinking man I grew up in the wrong country (USA, theyll arrest you for that kinda stuff here) I ran outside and started jumping over fences and stuff.


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