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Автор: us agency car insurance Pine Bluff AR, <4ae6butzygd@gmail.com>
bzFnfliokR, 7KfFY84PND, 11 января 2019 года в 13:11:38

В ответ на : dadtqdkn от JimVigue в 09 января 2019 года в 02:39:48:

We will never have a completely transparent system, most likely, but believe me, politicians are more on guard then they have ever been before. For one thing, cell phone cameras are everywhere!!One danger I see is the co-opting of what could otherwise be citizen enabling and empowering technologies and mediums. The major Presidential candidates have some of the top political Internet and blogging experts in the world working for them. When that is the case, as it already is, it is a huge political advantage.


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