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Автор: direct auto insurance Miami Beach FL, <44548xi68@outlook.com>
tVkMlFtihN, RJNE5RuGw, 11 января 2019 года в 17:25:13

В ответ на : casino slots kczyn от slursuarype в 02 января 2019 года в 01:05:05:

My gosh, you’re right about her website! On the edge of tears! And I noticed it is on the outskirts of Siena, which brings back memories of the week that I spent there with A., when we fell in love, which happend to be the week of the Palio. But enough about me–your adaptation looks delicious and light, perfect for a summer dinner with the light fading into pink and a light breeze coming through the window (or if you are lucky, through your hair as you lounge on a terrace in the Tuscan country side….sigh….)


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