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Автор: cheap non owners insurance in Sewell NJ, <2nghsm5nphr@gmail.com>
Vofdutp0L, A4jrvc20RH, 11 января 2019 года в 20:16:16

В ответ на : jeNjkimYTSmX от http://billigetabletten.info/ в 09 января 2019 года в 05:53:14:

Are you all smoking something???? You must all be 6 foot plus tall. This was an absolutely horrible venue (except that Mumford and Sons SOUNDED awesome). You couldn’t see from any angle and if I wanted to see a video screen I would buy the a DVD and watch it from home. Never Ever will I come to Columbus for a PomoWest event. They completely wasted my time, money and ruined an entire evening!!!!


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