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Автор: car insurance with no license in Missoula MT, <qa8dxti6b8f@outlook.com>
qsv49LEp, pYqA4iklb45B, 11 января 2019 года в 20:46:51

В ответ на : pnnqtyrf от AnnaVek в 10 января 2019 года в 23:40:00:

It has been years since I dealt with property law issues. Can we talk about China’s property system? I am much more comfortable on that topic, and I suspect you are as well. Indeed, I am planning to work on a post on that topic.The first residence is not subject to cramdown in bankruptcy, but second homes are. In fact, almost all debts are subject to cramdown except for first mortgages and credit cards, I believe.Hmm…


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